Privacy Policy

Respon­si­ble for the data pro­ces­sing on this web­site is

Lou­ven Rechts­an­wäl­te PartGmbB
Spit­zen­kampt­we­te 29
32756 Det­mold

Pho­ne: + 49 157 71 71 98 90 45
E‑Mail: privacy@​louven.​legal

Security of your data

We use encryp­ti­on pro­ce­du­res on our web­site (e.g. SSL over HTTPS) to pro­tect the secu­ri­ty of your per­so­nal data during trans­mis­si­on. This cor­re­sponds to the cur­rent sta­te of the art.


We will adapt this poli­cy in case of actu­al or legal need to meet the cur­rent requi­re­ments. The most cur­rent ver­si­on of our pri­va­cy poli­cy is always valid. Plea­se inform yours­elf at the begin­ning of each use of our web­site about the data pro­tec­tion infor­ma­ti­on valid at that time.

Your rights

You can use the rights lis­ted below under the afo­re­men­tio­ned cont­act infor­ma­ti­on or via the cont­act form pro­vi­ded on this website:

  • Infor­ma­ti­on about all your data stored with us and their pro­ces­sing (Art. 15 GDPR),
  • Cor­rec­ting incor­rect per­so­nal data (Art. 16 GDPR),
  • Dele­ti­on of the per­so­nal data stored by us about you (Art. 17 GDPR),
  • Rest­ric­tion of data pro­ces­sing (e.g. in case we are not yet allo­wed to dele­te your data due to legal obli­ga­ti­ons (Art. 18 GDPR),
  • Objec­tion to the pro­ces­sing of your data (Art. 21 GDPR)
  • Data por­ta­bi­li­ty, if you have con­sen­ted to data pro­ces­sing or have con­cluded a con­tract with us (Art. 20 GDPR).
  • Revo­ca­ti­on of any con­sent gran­ted with effect for the future (Art. 7 GDPR)

Irre­spec­ti­ve of this, your right to com­plain to the rele­vant super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ty remains. An up-to-date list of super­vi­so­ry aut­ho­ri­ties and their addres­ses can be found at: https://​www​.bfdi​.bund​.de/​D​E​/​I​n​f​o​t​h​e​k​/​A​n​s​c​h​r​i​f​t​e​n​_​L​i​n​k​s​/​a​n​s​c​h​r​i​f​t​e​n​_​l​i​n​k​s​-​n​o​d​e​.​h​tml.

Data processing on our website

1. Collection of general information

Type and purpose of processing: 

When you access our web­site, gene­ral infor­ma­ti­on is coll­ec­ted by the pro­vi­der (so-cal­led ser­ver log files). The lat­ter regu­lar­ly include the ope­ra­ting sys­tem and web brow­ser you use, your IP address and the domain name of your Inter­net ser­vice pro­vi­der. We never use your data to draw con­clu­si­ons about your per­son or your behaviour.

Legal basis of the processing:

The pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 let­ter f GDPR on the basis of our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in impro­ving and main­tai­ning the sta­bi­li­ty, inte­gri­ty, secu­ri­ty and func­tion­a­li­ty of our website.


Reci­pi­ents of your per­so­nal data may be tech­ni­cal ser­vice pro­vi­ders who act as con­tract pro­ces­sors for the ope­ra­ti­on and main­ten­an­ce of our web­site. We have con­cluded cor­re­spon­ding neces­sa­ry con­tracts for order pro­ces­sing with the­se ser­vice providers.

Duration of storage:

The per­so­nal data are dele­ted when the pur­po­se of the pro­ces­sing is ful­fil­led. This is gene­ral­ly the case for the data used to pro­vi­de the web­site, when the respec­ti­ve ses­si­on has ended.

Provision required or necessary:

You are not obli­ged to pro­vi­de us with the afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data. Wit­hout the trans­mis­si­on of an IP address, howe­ver, the use of our web­site is not pos­si­ble for tech­ni­cal reasons.

2. Comments on the blog

Type and purpose of processing: 

On our web­site you can make comm­ents on indi­vi­du­al blog posts. If you click on the but­ton “POST COM­MENT”, the per­so­nal data you have ente­red yours­elf will be trans­mit­ted to us by your brow­ser and stored in our sys­tem. In addi­ti­on to the per­so­nal data men­tio­ned under 1., this con­cerns in any case your IP address and the time of sen­ding your com­ment, as well as, if appli­ca­ble, addi­tio­nal­ly your name, your email address and your web­site. We use this data to pre­vent abu­si­ve comm­ents on our web­site. We aut­ho­ri­ze each com­ment within our dis­cre­ti­on befo­re it is publicly visi­ble. The­re is no cla­im to publish a comment.

Legal basis of the processing: 

The pro­ces­sing is car­ri­ed out in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 let­ter f GDPR on the basis of our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of your com­ment on our web­site and the veri­fi­ca­ti­on of the ori­gin of the com­ment as well as its contents.


Reci­pi­ents of your per­so­nal data may be tech­ni­cal ser­vice pro­vi­ders who act as con­tract pro­ces­sors for the ope­ra­ti­on and main­ten­an­ce of our web­site. We have con­cluded cor­re­spon­ding neces­sa­ry con­tracts for order pro­ces­sing with the­se ser­vice providers.

Duration of storage: 

The per­so­nal data are dele­ted when the pur­po­se of the pro­ces­sing is ful­fil­led. This is gene­ral­ly the case for the data used to dis­play your com­ment for as long as it is requi­red to dis­play the com­ment. Within the scope of our dis­cre­ti­on, we regu­lar­ly deci­de whe­ther published comm­ents are deleted.

Provision required or necessary:

You are not obli­ged to pro­vi­de us with the afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data. Wit­hout the trans­mis­si­on of an IP address and the time of the com­ment, howe­ver, the use of the com­ment func­tion is not pos­si­ble for tech­ni­cal reasons.

3. Newsletter

Type and purpose of processing:

We offer a news­let­ter sub­scrip­ti­on, in the con­text of which we inform you about cur­rent deve­lo­p­ments in our main are­as of prac­ti­ce (in par­ti­cu­lar anti­trust law and tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons law), as well as our services. 

The regis­tra­ti­on is car­ri­ed out by means of the so-cal­led Dou­ble-Opt-in-Pro­ce­du­re (DOI). First of all, you enter an email address in a regis­tra­ti­on form. After cli­cking the “Regis­ter” but­ton (first opt-in), you will recei­ve an email at this address asking you to con­firm your regis­tra­ti­on (second opt-in). This DOI pro­ce­du­re is neces­sa­ry to pre­vent misu­se of your email address. The regis­tra­ti­on for the news­let­ter will be log­ged in order to be able to pro­ve that the pro­ce­du­re has been legal­ly fol­lo­wed. This includes the sto­rage of the time of regis­tra­ti­on and con­fir­ma­ti­on, the IP address and the email address. You can revo­ke your con­sent to recei­ve the news­let­ter at any time and unsub­scri­be (opt-out). You can revo­ke your con­sent by cli­cking on the link pro­vi­ded in each news­let­ter e‑mail, by sen­ding an e‑mail to privacy@​louven.​legal or by sen­ding a mes­sa­ge to the cont­act data pro­vi­ded in the imprint.

We eva­lua­te the user beha­viour of the news­let­ter sub­scri­bers in the con­text of a per­for­mance mea­su­re­ment. This is done through a so-cal­led “web-bea­con” in the news­let­ter. This is a pixel-sized file that is retrie­ved from the ser­ver of the news­let­ter ser­vice pro­vi­der when the news­let­ter is ope­ned. Within the scope of this retrie­val, tech­ni­cal infor­ma­ti­on such as infor­ma­ti­on on the brow­ser and your sys­tem, as well as your IP address and the time of retrie­val, is initi­al­ly coll­ec­ted. This infor­ma­ti­on is used for the tech­ni­cal impro­ve­ment of our news­let­ter based on the tech­ni­cal data or the tar­get groups and their rea­ding beha­viour on the basis of their retrie­val loca­ti­ons (which can be deter­mi­ned by means of the IP address) or the access times. This ana­ly­sis also includes deter­mi­ning whe­ther the news­let­ters are ope­ned, when they are ope­ned and which links are cli­cked. For tech­ni­cal reasons, this infor­ma­ti­on can be assi­gned to indi­vi­du­al news­let­ter reci­pi­ents. Howe­ver, it is neither our inten­ti­on nor, if used, that of the mai­ling ser­vice pro­vi­der to obser­ve indi­vi­du­al users. The eva­lua­tions rather ser­ve to iden­ti­fy the rea­ding habits of our users and to adapt our con­tents to them or to send dif­fe­rent con­tents accor­ding to the inte­rests of our users.

Used services and service providers: 

Mailchimp: e‑mail mar­ke­ting plat­form; ser­vice pro­vi­der: “Mailchimp” – Rocket Sci­ence Group, LLC, 675 Pon­ce De Leon Ave NE #5000, Atlan­ta, GA 30308, USA; web­site: https://​mailchimp​.com; pri­va­cy state­ment: https://​mailchimp​.com/​l​e​g​a​l​/​p​r​i​v​a​cy/; Pri­va­cy Shield (ensu­ring the level of data pro­tec­tion when pro­ces­sing data in the USA): https://​www​.pri​va​cys​hield​.gov/​p​a​r​t​i​c​i​p​a​n​t​?​i​d​=​a​2​z​t​0​0​0​0​0​0​0​T​O​6​h​A​A​G​&​s​t​a​t​u​s​=​A​c​t​ive.

Legal basis of the processing:

The pro­ces­sing of the regis­tra­ti­on data as well as the mea­su­re­ment of suc­cess is car­ri­ed out in accordance with Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 lit. a GDPR within the frame­work of your con­sent. Revo­ca­ti­on of con­sent to per­for­mance mea­su­re­ment is only pos­si­ble if the sub­scrip­ti­on is ter­mi­na­ted at the same time. The DOI pro­ce­du­re is also car­ri­ed out in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 lit. f GDPR on the basis of our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in direct mar­ke­ting, if and to the ext­ent that this is per­mit­ted by law, e.g. in the case of adver­ti­sing to exis­ting cus­to­mers. The pro­ces­sing by ser­vices and ser­vice pro­vi­ders used is car­ri­ed out in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sen­tence 1 let­ter f GDPR on the basis of my legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in the effi­ci­ent and secu­re exe­cu­ti­on of my newsletter. 

Duration of storage: 

We will store dele­ted e‑mail addres­ses for up to three years after the end of the year in which they were dele­ted, in order to be able to pro­ve a pre­vious­ly given con­sent and the lega­li­ty of the regis­tra­ti­on pro­ce­du­re. The pro­ces­sing of this data is limi­t­ed to the pur­po­se of a pos­si­ble defence against claims. An indi­vi­du­al request for dele­ti­on is pos­si­ble at any time, pro­vi­ded that the for­mer exis­tence of a con­sent is con­firm­ed at the same time. In case of obli­ga­ti­ons to per­ma­nent­ly obser­ve objec­tions, we reser­ve the right to store the email address in a black­list for this pur­po­se alo­ne.Pro­vi­si­on requi­red or neces­sa­ry: You are not obli­ged to pro­vi­de us with the afo­re­men­tio­ned per­so­nal data. Wit­hout the pro­vi­si­on of a func­tio­ning email address, the DOI pro­ce­du­re and the mea­su­re­ment of suc­cess, howe­ver, the news­let­ter sub­scrip­ti­on is tech­ni­cal­ly not possible.


You have the pos­si­bi­li­ty to app­ly for open posi­ti­ons or to send us an unso­li­ci­ted appli­ca­ti­on. Within your appli­ca­ti­on, you can pro­vi­de us with your CV and fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on about you, your moti­va­ti­on for app­ly­ing and your ide­as about working with us. We pro­cess the per­so­nal data you pro­vi­de via the appli­ca­ti­on chan­nel you have cho­sen for the pur­po­se of car­ry­ing out the appli­ca­ti­on pro­cess and, if neces­sa­ry, for cont­ac­ting you in the event of queries. Addi­tio­nal­ly, if we are inte­res­ted in your pro­fi­le, we will use your cont­act data to invi­te you to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the next round of the appli­ca­ti­on pro­cess. The data pro­ces­sing descri­bed abo­ve is car­ri­ed out on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b DSGVO and § 26 Para. 1 BDSG for the pur­po­se of initia­ting a con­tract. If you pro­vi­de us with data that is not man­da­to­ry, we pro­cess such data on the basis of our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in the use of infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded to us based on Art. 6 (1) f DSGVO. Obvious­ly irrele­vant data will be dele­ted by us. In addi­ti­on, we have a legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest in mana­ging and eva­lua­ting your appli­ca­ti­on and infor­ma­ti­on from and about your appli­ca­ti­on pro­cess. The legal basis for this pur­po­se of data pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO.

Per­so­nal data used for the exer­cise and defence of our inte­rests, rights and claims we pro­cess on the basis of our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in the exer­cise and defence of our inte­rests, rights and claims under Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO. If the pro­ces­sing of spe­cial cate­go­ries of per­so­nal data is neces­sa­ry for the asser­ti­on, exer­cise or defence of legal claims, we addi­tio­nal­ly car­ry out such data pro­ces­sing on the basis of Art. 9 (2) lit. f DSGVO. To cla­ri­fy incon­sis­ten­ci­es, we use per­so­nal data on the basis of our inte­rests in cla­ri­fy­ing incon­sis­ten­ci­es based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO. As claims could be asser­ted against us from the appli­ca­ti­on pro­cess (e.g. accor­ding to the AGG), we store the data neces­sa­ry to enable the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of legal­ly com­pli­ant con­duct until the respec­ti­ve claims have beco­me time-bar­red based on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests in this and based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO.

Inso­far as we are legal­ly obli­ged to pro­cess data that we have recei­ved as part of the appli­ca­ti­on pro­cess, we car­ry out this data pro­ces­sing on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c DSGVO.

If your appli­ca­ti­on was suc­cessful, we will store your appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments in your per­son­nel file. If the data pro­ces­sing is based on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rests (Art. 6 (1) (f) DSGVO), the data will be stored for as long as our inte­rests pre­vail and the data are requi­red to ful­fil an over­ri­ding legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest. If the data pro­ces­sing is based on a legal obli­ga­ti­on to which we are sub­ject (Art. 6 (para. 1 lit. c DSGVO), the data will be stored for as long as is neces­sa­ry to ful­fil our legal obli­ga­ti­on. For exam­p­le, we are sub­ject to the reten­ti­on peri­ods pro­vi­ded for in tax laws.

If your appli­ca­ti­on was unsuc­cessful, we will dele­te it within six months of the decis­i­on to reject your appli­ca­ti­on. If the­re is inte­rest on our part and yours in a future coope­ra­ti­on and you have given your con­sent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a DSGVO, we will also store your appli­ca­ti­on docu­ments in the future in order to be able to cont­act you regar­ding vacant posi­ti­ons rele­vant to you, pro­vi­ded you do not revo­ke your con­sent to this in the future.