New partner: Dr Verena Louven

lou​ven​.legal has recent­ly beco­me a PartGmbB. Dr Vere­na Lou­ven joi­n­ed as a part­ner. She brings seve­ral years of legal expe­ri­ence in busi­ness and in par­ti­cu­lar com­ple­ments the anti­trust law port­fo­lio. She also has in-depth expe­ri­ence in inter­na­tio­nal com­mer­cial law and the draf­ting of cor­po­ra­te dis­tri­bu­ti­on agreements.

Dr Vere­na Lou­ven stu­di­ed at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bie­le­feld and com­ple­ted her doc­to­ra­te in com­pa­ra­ti­ve law on Spa­nish and Ger­man law of sales con­tract. She is a mem­ber of the Ger­man-Lusi­ta­ni­an Lawy­ers’ Asso­cia­ti­on and main­ta­ins a par­ti­cu­lar­ly inten­si­ve net­work with Bra­zil. She also spent parts of her legal trai­ning there.

You can find more infor­ma­ti­on about Dr. Vere­na Lou­ven and how to cont­act her here.

Dr Vere­na Louven

About the author

Porträtbild von Dr. Sebastian Louven

Dr. Sebastian Louven

I have been an independent lawyer since 2016 and advise mainly on antitrust law and telecommunications law. Since 2022 I am a specialist lawyer for international business law.

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